It’s time to draw the rest of the dress in this fifth step of our guide on how to draw Rapunzel. With that arm drawn you’re ready for step 5! Step 5 – Draw her flowy dress next Using some slightly curved lines going down, you can draw her other arm poking straight down from the shoulder of her dress that you drew previously. You’re making great progress on this Rapunzel drawing! For this step, we will be focusing on her other arm. It may look a little complicated, but if you refer to the example image you’ll have no problems! Step 4 – Now draw the other arm Then, you can draw her chest and waist with some intricate detailing going down the center for the string she fastened her dress with. There will be a lot of details in the next few steps of this guide on how to draw Rapunzel, so be sure to take it slowly and have fun with it! We will be using some curved lines for the shoulder of her dress to start with. Step 3 – Next, draw some more detail for her dress

Finally, use some more slightly curved lines going down to continue her long hair. Then, you can draw some small, bumpy lines for the collar of her dress. Her arm will be bent at the elbow so that her forearm is poking up with her hand below her face. We will be drawing the second arm as well as extending the hair in this second part of your Rapunzel drawing. Once you’re happy with how it looks in relation to our reference image then you’re ready to move on! Step 2 – Now, draw her first arm and continue her hair

Then we will start to draw her thick hair, which will be in several sections. Then, her face will be a bit rounded with simple thin lines for her mouth and nose. Her eyes are big and round with some large pupils inside of them. This will be quite a detailed drawing, so it could be recommended to use a pencil first and also to follow the reference image very closely. In this first step of our guide on how to draw Rapunzel, we will be starting with her head and hair. We hope you have a fun time working on this step-by-step guide on how to draw Rapunzel! How to Draw Rapunzel – Let’s get Started! Step 1 This guide will show you how to do just that! With so many fans around the world, many people would like to learn how to draw Rapunzel themselves. This story has featured in many books and reimaginings and has seen some film adaptations from studios such as Disney.

Of all these tales, some stick out as being more famous than the others, and the story of Rapunzel is one of the most well-known.

There are many classic fairytales and stories that have been delighting kids around the world for generations.